Speech Team Big Ten Champions

by July 16, 2024
Speech Team Big 10 Champs
Speech Team Big 10 Champions

Congrats to the Speech Team that became four time champions of the Big Ten with its victory at the Conference Challenge Tournament, Jan. 31st-Feb. 1st at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill.  While the Midwest was becoming buried in snow, the Huskers were busy burring the competition. UNL led the field with a two-day point total of 165 points, ahead of second-place finisher Northwestern University with 101 points. The other half of the Speech team was competing at Kansas Wesleyan and had a very good weekend. The previous weekend the debaters, under the direction of first year coach Adam Blood had an extremely successful tournament at Webster University in St. Louis.  The team was featured in UNL Today on 2/6:  http://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/unltoday/article/achievements-speech-and-debate-team-earns-fourth-big-ten-title/

The speech and debate teams have been competing since September and are preparing for their national tournaments, which will be held in Portland Oregon (Speech) and Athens Ohio (Debate) in April. 

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