New communication series offered on KZUM

January 29, 2016

Dawn Braithwaite

Our faculty members from the Interpersonal, Family & Intergroup Communication emphasis are offering a series on Communication and Well-Being this spring for KZUM’s Community Matters with Nick Hernandez. In this weekly show, Nick Hernandez visits with community leaders about how we can all come together to make our collective lives better.

  • 2/1/2016, Communication and Well-Being in Nontraditional Families, Dr. Dawn O. Braithwaite 
  • 2/29/2016, Storytelling and well-being, Dr. Jody Koenig Kellas 
  • 3/21/16, Family Communication, Identity and Worldview, Dr. Jordan Soliz 
  • 4/4/2016, Communication and Chronic Illness, Dr. Kathy Castle 
  • 4/25/2016, Communication, Well-Being, and Social Support, Dr. Angela Palmer-Wackerly

For more information, contact Dawn O. Braithwaite, Willa Cather Professor and Chair Department of Communication Studies, at