CSUGSAB earns Outstanding New RSO award

April 15, 2020

Outstanding new RSO graphic

The Communication Studies Undergraduate Student Advisory Board earned the Outstanding New Registered Student Organization award from Student Involvement.

The award, recognizing a new RSO that exhibited initiative and established a positive presence within the university, was announced yesterday as part of RSO Week.  It is one of Student Involvement's Student Impact Awards, which honor leaders, including  officers, members and advisors, on campus.

"[The board] has done amazing work to contribute to and enrich the experience of its members," Student Involvement's video announcement explained. "CSUGSAB provides a place of community for students to feel connected on campus, one another, and to the faculty. They have created valuable programming and it is a fantastic opporunity for students to develop hands-on experience that will transfer across careers.

"While still a new organization, these students have already made a significant impact on [the Department of Communication Studies] and built connections between undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and alumni."

The department, which is a part of the College of Arts and Sciences, houses the advisory board.

We are so proud of our Communication Studies Undergraduate Student Advisory Board!

Our board members have dedicated themselves to enhancing the experience of our students for the past 2 years!

This is our #COMMunity https://t.co/CC56OWBHL2

— UNL Communication Studies (@UNLCommDept) April 14, 2020