Ronald Lee
Communication Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Lincoln NE 68588-0329 - Phone
DR. RON LEE, PROFESSOR, studies contemporary American political discourse. His research deals with the rhetorical construction of presidential legacies, the discourses of poverty, the mythical use of American place in national politics, the evolving standards of journalistic coverage of religion, and the use of race in post-civil-rights era political discourse.
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1981
Blood, A., & Lee, R. (In press). The visible and the invisible: Arguing about threats to loyalty in the Internet Age. In C. J. Winkler (Ed.), Networking argument. London, UK: Taylor & Francis.
Lee, R., & Morin, A. (2017). Barack Obama's response to the "angry black man" race card: A critical analysis of "A more perfect union." In R. Denton (Ed.), Political communication: Theory, method and practice. Lanham, MD: Lexington.
Lee, R., & Blood, A. (2016). Ideographic criticism. In J. Kuypers (Ed.), Rhetorical criticism: Perspectives in action (2nd ed.) (pp. 215-238). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Accompanying new critical essay, "The conundrum of <loyalty> and the <market>: The discourse surrounding LeBron James' leaving and returning home."
Lee, R., & Click, K. (2015). William Jefferson Clinton. Video entry for the Sage encyclopedia of political communication.
Friedman, R. B., & Lee, R.E. (2014) The Style and Rhetoric of Elizabeth Dole: Public Persona and Political Discourse.