Jordan Soliz

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Jordan Soliz

Professor and Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olson Chair in Arts and Sciences Communication Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln


LPH 359
Lincoln NE 68588-0329
402-472-2070 On-campus 2-2070

DR. JORDAN SOLIZ, PROFESSOR, INTERGROUP & FAMILY COMMUNICATION, studies communication and intergroup processes in family, personal, and community relationships. Current  projects focus on (a) communication in multiethnic-racial families and interfaith families with a goal toward understanding communicative dynamics associated with individual well-being and relational-family solidarity, (b) outcomes of intergroup contact and intergroup dialogue that minimize negative outgroup attitudes (e.g., racism, ageism), and (c) socialization processes that lead to secure self-concept and/or buffer effects of discrimination. In addition to various edited volumes, his  work has been published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Identity: An International Journal of Theory and ResearchCommunication Monographs, Communication Quarterly, Communication Research, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Journal of Language and Social Psychology. Dr. Soliz is the past editor of the Journal of Family Communication and past Chair of the Intergroup Communication Interest Group of the International Communication Association.  Dr. Soliz is the current course director for COMM 311: Intercultural and Intergroup Communication. 


Ph.D., University of Kansas



Soliz, J., & Colaner, C. W. (Eds.) (2020). Navigating relationships in the modern family: Communication, identity, and difference. New York: Peter Lang. 

Cardwell, M. E., Soliz, J, Crockett, E., & Bergquist, G. L. (2020). Critical incidents in the development of (multi)ethnic-racial identity: Experiences of individuals with mixed ethnic-racial backgrounds in the United States. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 1653-1672.

Minniear, M. C., & Soliz, J. (2019). Family communication and messages about race and identity in Black families in the United States. Journal of Family Communication, 19, 329-347.

Bergquist, G. L., Soliz, J., Everhart, K. E., Kreimer, L. & Braithwaite, D. O. (2018). Investigating layers of identity and identity gaps in refugee resettlement experiences in the Midwestern United StatesWestern Journal of Communication, 83, 383-402.

Soliz, J., & Phillips, K. E. (2018). Toward a more expansive understanding of family communication: Considerations for inclusion of ethnic-racial and global diversityJournal of Family Communication, 18, 5-12. 

Soliz, J., Cronan, S., Bergquist, G. L., Nuru, A., & Rittenour, C. E. (2017). Benefits and challenges of a multiethnic-racial identity: Insight from adults with mixed heritageIdentity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 17, 267-281.


Please email Dr. Soliz for more information on these courses. 


  • COMM 930: Social Identity and Intergroup Communication
  • COMM 970B: Seminar in Family Communication
  • COMM 970D: Communication and Inclusion


  • COMM 201: Social Scientific Research Methods in Communication Studies
  • COMM 360: Dialogue Across Difference
  • COMM 465: Communication and Social Identity